3/10/2008: ICON Architecture, Inc. from Boston, Massachusetts, was introduced as the planning firm chosen to develop a new Urban Area Master Plan for Augusta and North Augusta. ICON Architecture, Inc. spent the next year developing an integrated Master Plan with tremendous community input and many meetings in Augusta and North Augusta. This Master Plan was equally funded by the public sector (The City of Augusta and the City of North Augusta) and the private sector.
3/26/2008: The Business Improvement District (BID) officially debuted as the Clean Augusta Downtown Initiative (CADI) with individuals hired to specifically provide sidewalk cleaning, trash and graffiti removal and ongoing patrols by CADI staff to assist residents and visitors.
8/22/2008: The groundbreaking was held for the Augusta Richmond County Headquarters Public Library at the site bounded by Greene and Telfair Streets and the East Side of James Brown Boulevard.
9/2008: The original Granite Mill building, onto which the Enterprise Mill was built and newly renovated in 1998, was renovated to gold LEED standard by Melaver, Inc.
12/17/2008: The groundbreaking was held for the Augusta Judicial Center bounded by Walton Way and 9th Street.