The Augusta region is fortunate to have a marvelous roadway system. Although not a specific district – because gateways (entrance ways) and corridors in Augusta and North Augusta are part of every district – a committee is focusing on beautifying these gateways and corridors. Many of the gateways and corridors are getting major face lifts and updates that allow vehicular traffic to better navigate around our region.

Beginning in 2010, a public/private partnership has worked to beautify the City of Augusta’s major entryways and corridors. The partnership is a collaboration of the City of Augusta, Georgia Department of Transportation, the Augusta Convention & Visitors Bureau, Augusta Utilities Department, Augusta Tomorrow, Inc., business leaders and concerned citizens.

In December 2010, Augusta Tomorrow and the Augusta Convention and Visitors Bureau developed a tax deductible avenue for beautifying Augusta’s gateways and corridors. This fund, called the Garden City Improvement Fund, allows private monies to be earmarked for specific gateway and corridor development projects and the contributions are tax deductible. The Community Foundation manages the monies and a board of directors distributes the funds.

For each gateway/corridor project, money is raised for commissioning plans, working on bids, managing construction and, after the project is complete, continuing to oversee weekly landscape maintenance. Completing these roadway transformations is rewarding and the projects receive a lot of positive feedback from the public and local businesses.

Another massive investment in the Augusta area’s transportation projects was approved by the citizens in our region on 7/31/2012. Only three regions in the State of Georgia (Augusta, Albany and Vidalia) approved this massive Transportation referendum, and these regions are generating over $1.8 billion in local transportation investment.  An approved list of projects was put forth to the voters, and those projects have 10 years in which to be completed. Completion of these projects is underway and already enhancing the gateways and corridors around the Augusta region.